Are you getting an opportunity to prove yourself? Can you provide for yourself? Do you have a proper education? If yes, good for you. But unfortunately, it is not the case for every woman out there. For they need a little push or a little encouragement or a minuscule of motivation to reach out to their goals. And that’s what #makingHERwin is all about. Let us elaborate.
In this moment, let us all think of our families. Is the sister getting the same exposure and opportunities as the brother in a household? Does she have to ask for permission every time she has to take up a new sport or pursue a new career? If the answer to both these questions are “yes”, it’s time for a change. And that change is the crux of #makingHERwin.
Imagine a world around us where we make HER win without
struggles, pain, or humiliation.
We all have a role to play in making that happen and #makingHERwin. And trust us, when you make HER win, you win.
The campaign #makingHERwin is launched to create an ecosystem for every woman to win, realizing that it is very important for her to win.
Join us in #makingHERwin